负责或参与国家/省部级等科研项目、省级政府项目10余项,发表SCI/SSCI论文近20篇。本科曾获浙江大学优秀毕业设计、攻读博士期间曾获浙江大学环境与资源学院优秀研究生、优秀干部等荣誉。参与的科研、政府项目主要包括浙江省国土空间用途管制、浙江省自然保护区划定、浙江省生态保护红线划定及管控等。多次担任Environmental Research Letters、Habitat International、Science of the Total Environment、Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 等知名国际期刊审稿人。
[1] 国家自然基金青年项目:基于“功能-需求-流”的城市绿色空间生态系统服务精细模拟及权衡研究(41701171),2018.1-2020.12,参与;
[2] 国家自然基金青年项目:考虑物候期的广义极化分解定量反演高植被覆盖和复杂地表的土壤湿度(41801232),2019.1-2021.12,参与;
[3] 浙江省自然保护区边界矢量化工作:绍兴市舜江源自然保护区、丽水市莲都峰源自然保护区边界矢量化,2017.04-2018.04,子项目负责人;
[4] 浙江省保护区生态红线划定工作:负责杭州市临安区生态保护红线划定工作,2017.07-2015.09,参与;
[5] 赴英国利兹大学地理学院短期学术交流, 2018.11;
[6] “城市生物多样性和生态系统服务”公众号(2020年度中国学术公众号Top 10),2019.03-2020.10,编辑。
1. Lin, Y., Zhang, M., Gan, M.*, Huang, L., Zhu, C., Zheng, Q., You, S., Ye, Z., Shahtahmassebi, A., Li, Y., Deng, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Wang, K., 2022. Fine identification of the supply–demand mismatches and matches of urban green space ecosystem services with a spatial filtering tool. Journal of Cleaner Production, 336, 130404. (SCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 11.072, IF5: 11.016)
2. Lin, Y., Chen, X., Huang, L., Zhu, C., Shahtahmassebi, A., Zhang, J., Shen, S., Peng, R., Deng, J., Wang, K., Gan, M.*, 2021. Fine-scale mapping of urban ecosystem service demand in a metropolitan context: A population-income-environmental perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 781, 146784. (SCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 10.753, IF5: 10.237)
3. Lin, Y., An, W., Gan, M.*, Shahtahmassebi, A., Ye, Z., Huang, Lingyan, Zhu, C., Huang, Lu, Zhang, J., Wang, K., 2021. Spatial Grain Effects of Urban Green Space Cover Maps on Assessing Habitat Fragmentation and Connectivity. Land, 10, 1065. (SSCI, 2区, IF(2021): 3.905, IF5: 4.048)
4. Zhu, C., Lin, Y., Zhang, J., Gan, M., Xu, H., Li, W., Yuan, S., Wang, K.*, 2021. Exploring the relationship between rural transition and agricultural eco-environment using a coupling analysis: A case study of Zhejiang Province, China. Ecological Indicators, 127, 107733. (SCI, 2区, IF(2021): 6.263, IF5: 6.643)
5. Shahtahmassebi, A.R., Lin, Y., Lin, L., Atkinson, P.M., Moore, N., Wang, K.*, He, S., Huang, L., Wu, J., Shen, Z., Gan, M., Zheng, X., Su, Y., Teng, H., Li, X., Deng, J., Sun, Y., Zhao, M., 2017. Reconstructing historical land cover type and complexity by synergistic use of landsat multispectral scanner and CORONA. Remote Sensing, 9, 682. (SCI, 2区Top, IF(2021): 5.349, IF5: 5.786)
6. Li, S., Zhu, C., Lin, Y., Dong, B., Chen, B., Si, B., Li, Y., Deng, X., Gan, M., Zhang, J., Wang, K.*, 2021. Conflicts between agricultural and ecological functions and their driving mechanisms in agroforestry ecotone areas from the perspective of land use functions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 317. (SCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 11.072, IF5: 11.016)
7. You, S., Zheng, Q., Lin, Y., Zhu, C., Li, C., Deng, J.*, Wang, K., 2020. Specific bamboo forest extraction and long-term dynamics as revealed by landsat time series stacks and google earth engine. Remote Sensing, 12, 3095. (SCI, 2区Top, IF(2021): 5.349, IF5: 5.786)
8. Ye, Z., Si, B., Lin, Y., Zheng, Q., Zhou, R., Huang, L., Wang, K.*, 2020. Mapping and discriminating rural settlements using gaofen-2 images and a fully convolutional network. Sensors, 20, 1–16. (SCI, 3区, IF(2021): 3.847, IF5: 4.050)
9. Zhu, C., Dong, B., Li, S., Lin, Y., Shahtahmassebi, A.R., You, S., Zhang, J., Gan, M., Yang, L., Wang, K.*, 2021. Identifying the trade-offs and synergies among land use functions and their influencing factors from a geospatial perspective: A case study in Hangzhou, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 314, 128026. (SCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 11.072, IF5: 11.016)
10. Zhang, J., Li, S., Lin, N., Lin, Y., Yuan, S., Zhang, L., Zhu, J., Wang, K., Gan, M., Zhu, C.*, 2022. Spatial identification and trade-off analysis of land use functions improve spatial zoning management in rapid urbanized areas, China. Land Use Policy, 116, 106058. (SSCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 6.189, IF5: 6.158)
11. You, S., Zheng, Q., Chen, B., Xu, Z., Lin, Y., Gan, M., Zhu, C., Deng, J.*, Wang, K., 2022. Identifying the spatiotemporal dynamics of forest ecotourism values with remotely sensed images and social media data: A perspective of public preferences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 341, 130715. (SCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 11.072, IF5: 11.016)
12. Li, Y., Xie, L., Zhang, L., Huang, L., Lin, Y., Su, Y., Wang, K., Zhang, J., Chen, X., 2022. Understanding different cultural ecosystem services : An exploration of rural landscape preferences based on geographic and social media data. Journal of Environmental Management, 317, 115487. (SCI, 2区Top, IF(2021): 8.910, IF5: 8.549)
13. Shahtahmassebi, A.R.*, Li, C., Fan, Y., Wu, Y., Lin, Y., Gan, M., Wang, K., Malik, A., Blackburn, G.A., 2021. Remote sensing of urban green spaces: A review. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 57, 126946. (SCI, 3区Top, IF(2021): 5.766, IF5: 6.463)
14. Zhu, C., Yang, L., Xu, Q., Fu, J., Lin, Y., Sun, L., He, S., & Yuan, S. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of Farmland Occupation by Urban Sprawl and Rural Settlement Expansion in China. Land, 11(10), 1–16. (SSCI, 2区, IF(2021): 3.905, IF5: 4.048)
15. Li, S., He, Y., Xu, H., Zhu, C., Dong, B., Lin, Y., Si, B., Deng, J., Ke, W.*, 2021. Impacts of Urban Expansion Forms on Ecosystem Services in Urban Agglomerations: A Case Study of Shanghai-Hangzhou Bay Urban Agglomeration. Remote Sensing, 13, 1908. (SCI, 2区Top, IF(2021): 5.349, IF5: 5.786)
16. Li, S., Shao, Y., Hong, M., Zhu, C., Dong, B., Li, Y., Lin, Y., Wang, K., Gan, M., Zhu, J., Zhang, L., Lin, N., & Zhang, J. (2023). Impact mechanisms of urbanization processes on supply-demand matches of cultivated land multifunction in rapid urbanization areas. Habitat International, 131, 102726. (SSCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 5.205, IF5: 6.256)
17. Shahtahmassebi, A.R.*, Wu, C., Blackburn, G.A., Zheng, Qing, Huang, L., Shortridge, A., Shahtahmassebi, G., Jiang, R., He, S., Wang, K., Lin, Y., Clarke, K.C., Su, Y., Lin, L., Wu, J., Zheng, Qiming, Xu, H., Xue, X., Deng, J., Shen, Z., 2018. How do modern transportation projects impact on development of impervious surfaces via new urban area and urban intensification? Evidence from Hangzhou Bay Bridge, China. Land Use Policy, 77, 479–497. (SSCI, 1区Top, IF(2021): 6.189, IF5: 6.158)
18. Shen, A., Wu, Chaofan.*, Jiang, B., Deng, J., Yuan, W., Wang, K., He, S., Zhu, E., Lin, Y., Wu, Chuping, 2018. Spatiotemporal variations of aboveground biomass under different terrain conditions. Forests, 9, 778. (SSCI, 2区, IF: IF(2021): 3.282, IF5: 3.292)
[1] 本科阶段获浙江大学优秀毕业设计荣誉称号;
[2] 博士阶段获浙江大学环境与资源学院优秀研究生、优秀干部等荣誉。